Machine-to-Machine (M2M) Satellite Communication vs Cellular Communication

January 15, 2022

Machine-to-Machine (M2M) Satellite Communication vs Cellular Communication: Which One is the Best?

Are you comparing Machine-to-Machine (M2M) satellite communication with cellular communication? You are at the right place. In this blog post, we’ll dive into a factual comparison between the two technologies. We’ll explore how they work, their differences, advantages, and use cases.

How Do M2M Satellite Communication and Cellular Communication Work?

M2M satellite communication allows machines, devices, or sensors to communicate with each other using satellite networks. These machines exchange information such as data, images, or videos without human intervention over a vast geographical area. In contrast, cellular communication connects devices to each other and the internet via cellular networks, such as 5G, 4G, or 3G.

Comparison: M2M Satellite Communication vs Cellular Communication

Coverage Area

Satellite technology enables M2M communication over remote locations or areas where cellular connectivity is unavailable. M2M satellite communication offers global coverage, while cellular communication has limited reach in remote areas.


M2M satellite communication has lower bandwidth than cellular communication. Satellite networks offer a minimum of 2400 bps up to 492 kbps. In contrast, cellular networks offer higher data speeds, such as 5G with up to 10 Gbps.


Satellite communication has longer latency, which is the time it takes to transmit data from one point to another, due to the distance between earth and satellite. The latency for M2M communication can range from 200 to 1200 milliseconds. Cellular communication, on the other hand, has lower latency ranging from 10 to 50 milliseconds.


M2M communication over satellite networks can be more expensive than cellular communication, depending on the use case. Satellite equipment, such as modems, antennas, or terminals, can cost more than cellular devices. Also, the pricing plans for satellite networks can vary based on the amount of data consumed and range from a few cents to dollars per kilobyte. Cellular communication, on the other hand, offers affordable and flexible pricing plans, including unlimited data usage.

Use Cases

M2M satellite communication is ideal for applications that require remote monitoring or control, such as oil rigs, pipelines, or shipping vessels, where debris, weather conditions, or distance may impact cellular coverage. Cellular communication is suitable for applications that require high data rates, low latency, and real-time communication such as connected cars, IoT devices, or smart homes.


Now that we have compared M2M satellite communication with cellular communication, we can see that both technologies have their strengths and weaknesses. While M2M satellite communication offers global coverage, it can be more expensive and have lower bandwidth and higher latency than cellular communication. Cellular communication offers high data speeds, low latency, and affordable pricing plans.

To choose the best option, consider the use case, budget, and location. If you need to connect devices in remote areas, M2M satellite communication is the best option. If you require high data speeds, low latency and need to connect devices in urban areas, choose cellular communication.


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